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Milligan and Hill’s Physiotherapists are trained and experienced in treating a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders including muscle, nerve, joint and ligament complaints. They all have a minimum of five years post graduate experience.
Milligan & Hill has physiotherapists who are specialists in the management of work related musculoskeletal disorders, rehabilitation and sports injuries.
Our physiotherapists have a well defined approach to patient management. They listen to their patients to obtain all of the relevant information regarding the problem and ascertain the goals the patient has for treatment. They then perform a comprehensive physical examination that assesses not only the problem area but also other areas that may be contributing to the problem. The diagnosis and prognosis are then discused with the patient. Together with the patient our physiotherapists devise a comprehensive goal orientated treatment plan and start treatment on day 1.
Our physiotherapists use techniques such as:
- Advice and education – because self management is so important!
- Joint and spinal mobilisation and manipulation
- Soft tissue massage and fascial release techniques
- Personalised exercise therapy and rehabilitation
- Taping
- Accupuncture
- Electrotherapy such as ultrasound and interferential.
Some of the most common conditions seen by a physiotherapist are
- Back pain and neck pain
- Sports injuries
- Work related and postural disorders
- Weakness or loss of function following fracture or orthopaedic surgery
Prompt physiotherapy treatment after trauma will often speed up the recovery process allowing patients to return to work or sport.
Please contact Milligan & Hill on 020 7628 3575 or use the booking form
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