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As technology advances and demands on the workforce change, health and safety issues become a real concern.

The correct application of ergonomic principles may help companies and individuals in the effective reduction and management of such issues.

Ergonomics, literally translated into “law of work”, is sometimes referred to as the common sense approach to working safely and aims to fit the job to the person and not the person to the job.

In response to demand from companies and individuals Milligan & Hill has developed the expertise to offer the following ergonomic services:

  • Individual workstation assessments
  • Training
  • Safe use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
  • Manual Handling
  • Ergonomic Consultancy

All ergonomists at Milligan & Hill are chartered physiotherapists holding Masters degrees in Ergonomics. This dual qualification enables our ergonomists to identify potential risks in the workplace or home (sport or leisure) which m

Please contact Milligan & Hill on
020 7628 3575 or use the booking form

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